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Top Myths About Demolition

 Demolition is a highly technical field that requires lots of experience to do well. Many people are under the impression that demolition is chaotic, that anyone can do it, and that it’s bad for the environment. Are you ready for some myth busting?

What’s the truth when you’re in need of demolition services? Here’s a guide to the top three myths we encounter about demolition: 

Anyone Can Do It

One of the most prevalent myths is the idea that anyone can pick up a sledgehammer and start to demolish a property. While this could certainly be done, without the knowledge about proper safety and avoiding potential hazards, it can be very dangerous. Managing tools, equipment, and heavy machinery requires specialized knowledge and skill sets that are developed with training and over time.

If someone is working on your property, ensure they have the knowledge and experience to back them up. 

Demolition Is Chaotic

To the outside observer, demolition likely looks like a chaotic free-for-all; construction workers are knocking down buildings and walls. It makes sense that it seems like there is little method to the madness, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. 

Each move that a demolition worker makes must be calculated and precise to prevent injury on the job site. This ties back into our last myth, where each worker must be highly skilled and have the proper experience to do demolition well. 

In some cases, a demolition crew may actually need to blow up a building using explosives. This is always done with the utmost care to protect everyone on the job site and the surrounding area from danger. It requires years of experience, and not everyone can safely use explosives to tear down an old structure, particularly if it’s connected to other buildings or near power lines. 

Demolition Is Bad for the Environment

A common misconception is that when a building is knocked over, all of the items are discarded. While some demolition companies may send entire buildings to a landfill, this isn’t the norm for the industry. On the contrary, most demolition crews are very organized and do their best to reuse or recycle materials that are still in good shape. 

They may even be able to reuse those materials in the construction of a new building or property. All of this decreases greenhouse gasses and saves the energy it would take to discard those materials or make new ones. In the end, it’s a very environmentally-friendly process. 

So, Only Trust the Professionals

While many myths abound regarding demolitions, the consensus is that you need professionals to help you. Winnipeg Demolition has the experience and skills you need to feel assured that tearing down your building will be done the right way the first time. Give us a call today to learn more about the services we offer and how we can help you with your next project! 

By Winnipeg Demolition09.22.22 | | No Comments
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