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5 Things You Need to Do For A Major Demolition Project

Tackling a demolition project can be daunting, with many steps involved to get the best job done. The good news is that you can prepare for your upcoming demolition with just a few simple steps. The following five things you need to do for a major project are relatively easy and give you the best chance of success when knocking down a building from scratch. 

1. Interview Companies

You may want to go with something other than the first company that you land on in Google. Take your time interviewing different companies. Ask what sets them apart and what their preferred method for demolition is, and work to establish clear goals for your upcoming project. 

2. Determine Your Demolition Method

Not all demolition is created equally. The first thing you’ll need to do after setting your budget and interviewing companies is to create a plan. This involves determining what type of demolition your project requires. In most cases, mechanical demolition will be the most cost-effective way to go. This entails using machinery to tear down the building and carting the debris away in a dumpster. 

On the other hand, you might pursue deconstruction, which allows you to salvage materials for a future project. It will be more expensive because of the extra labour involved. Depending on the project, you can also choose to do a combination of the two demolition types. 

3. Obtain Proper Permits

Before knocking down a single wall, you must ensure you’re adequately prepared. Arm yourself with permits. This may require some inspections of the property before the start of your demolition, but it’s one step that should never be skipped. It ensures your property meets the requirements for a tear-down. 

4. Notify Neighbours

The kindest thing to do is to notify your neighbours (even if it’s a commercial business) that you’re about to undergo a massive change. Letting them know they can anticipate lots of noise and mess on the property beside theirs is a great way to be neighbourly. A lot of messy things can happen on a job site. Preparing them in advance can help you maintain a positive relationship with them. 

5. Disconnect Your Services

Last but not least, you must make sure that you disconnect all services to the property before demolition can begin. Services like electricity and gas can pose serious risks to your demolition team if they’re not disconnected prior to starting. You should make sure that all of the utilities are turned off, including water and sewer. 

Allow the Professionals To Help

Are you ready to move forward with an upcoming demolition? Winnipeg Demolition has the expert experience to handle your project with ease. Next time you need a demolition in Winnipeg, reach out to us to see how we can assist!

By Winnipeg Demolition11.28.22 | | No Comments
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