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The Best Times Of Year To Start A Home Remodel Project

Tackling a major home remodel project can be stressful no matter what time of year you start to reach out to contractors. However, timing it right can make the process smoother and may even serve to speed up your timeline. The question is: What time of year is ideal for construction, and what can you expect from each season? 

Learn more about when you should contact Winnipeg Demolition for your remodelling project below: 


As you might imagine, winter is one of the slowest seasons for contractors. With the exception of consumer shopping for the holidays, many other markets slow down, and construction is no exception. If you don’t mind being inconvenienced during the holidays or if you aren’t hosting a family event, you might be better off trying to check off some of your home to-do list items in the snowy season. 

Because contractors are less busy, you’ll get the benefit of their full attention on your project. They’ll be able to return phone calls faster and make it to your job site more regularly. 


While winter may be the prime season for a home remodel project due to availability, fall is the best season due to weather. If you plan to tackle an outdoor remodelling project, then you should think about hiring contractors for the autumn. Contractors are a little less busy than they are in the spring and summer months; the warm months are usually the high season for construction projects.

Plus, there’s no snow on the ground that can impede progress for days or weeks on end. Winter weather can lead to long delays on a project. If wrapping up quickly is important to you, it may be best to arrange for construction in the fall. 

Spring and Summer

For those who don’t mind waiting their turn, summer is often the preferred season. People are busy in the spring with the end of the school year and preparing for those long summer vacations. However, summer brings with it the possibility of taking time off work to tend to much-needed home remodels. 

The weather is ideal for many things, though humidity levels could cause problems with some projects like painting. It’s also important to note that you may have difficulty procuring materials because of the number of construction projects going on. 

Keep in mind that you’ll need to contact contractors well in advance if you want a summer renovation. Contractors are much busier in this season and may not get back to you as quickly as they can in the fall and winter. 

When Will You Hire for a Remodel?

Every season has its advantages and disadvantages when it comes to a home remodel. Whether you’re looking to tear down a few walls or you need asbestos removal in Winnipeg, Winnipeg Demolition is here to help. Contact us today to get on our books for your next home remodel! 

By Winnipeg Demolition10.20.22 | | No Comments
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