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Where can asbestos be found in a house?

Homes are meant to provide safety and comfort throughout your day-to-day life. It can be scary to imagine that there might be dangerous materials lurking about your living space. Asbestos was a common material used in the construction of houses and buildings for many decades. It’s often discovered in homes during renovations, demolitions, or any form of deconstructing. We’ll be covering the places where asbestos can be found in your home and how it can impact your health:


What Is It?

The name “asbestos” originated from the Greek meaning “inextinguishable.” Asbestos was a real wonder when discovered - it was an inexpensive material that was fire-retardant and acted as a thermal and acoustic insulator. It was commonly used before the 1980s throughout the construction industry. Homes that were built within the last 40 years are less likely to contain asbestos materials, but that doesn’t mean that it’s been eradicated from the world. Today, people still have many run-ins with asbestos. 

Where To Find It?

There are several locations in your home that could contain asbestos; it was used in a plethora of household materials, such as:

  • Cement 
  • Plaster 
  • House siding 
  • Floor and ceiling tiles
  • Furnace and heating systems 
  • Vinyl
  • Some forms of linoleum 
  • Glue
  • Window caulking 
  • Roofing materials
  • Blow-in attic insulation
  • HVAC duct insulation 
  • Some forms of paint 

From insulation and interior surfaces to heating and piping, asbestos is far-reaching in older buildings.

The Dangers of Asbestos 

Health Risks

Due to many decades of documentation, there is factual evidence about what asbestos can do to your health. Asbestos fibers are easily inhaled into the lungs causing health risks such as:

  • Fibrotic lung disease (asbestosis)
  • Lung cancer 
  • Mesothelioma 
  • Changes in the lining of the chest cavity (pleura)
  • Enlargement of the heart

You’re more likely to experience the health risks of asbestos if exposed to higher concentrations or for prolonged periods.

Asbestos Exposure 

Common Scenarios 

Asbestos exposure can occur when it is disturbed by the following:

  • Renovation or maintenance projects
  • Aging/degradation of the home
  • Fire
  • Destruction from a natural disaster
  • Flooding/water damage

Exposure can occur anywhere in the home, but the most common spaces include:

  • Attics
  • Crawl spaces
  • Roofs
  • Floors
  • Walls
  • Ceilings

What To Do?

If you’re concerned about possible asbestos-based materials in your home, you should periodically check for any tears, abrasions, or water damage. If you find damage, don’t touch or disturb the area, as you don’t want to become exposed to the fibers. 

You may want to have your home inspected by an industrial hygiene firm. They’ll be able to safely and properly check your home for asbestos. Some professional repair or removal may then be necessary to ensure your safety.

The safety and health of your home are paramount, and you shouldn’t have to face the threat of asbestos in your home by yourself. Get only the best quality asbestos removal in Winnipeg today and watch them restore your home back to normal. 

By Winnipeg Demolition04.01.22 | | No Comments
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