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Does Asbestos Stay In The Air After Removal?


Whether you’re removing asbestos from your home or business, it’s important that you take the necessary safety precautions. Asbestos particles have been linked to major health concerns, so you need to take the hazards seriously. Many people want to know how long asbestos stays in the air after it has been removed so that they know when they can safely get back into their building. 

Does asbestos stay in the air after removal, and for how long? Learn more about how to keep safe here: 

Give It Time To Settle

After a professional demolition and asbestos removal company eliminates the material that had asbestos from your property, you need to give the dust time to settle. Mineral dust from these building materials can float along in the air for hours after the majority of the asbestos has been removed. 

Plan to stay out of the building for a while; it’s best to give it 48 to 72 hours to settle safely. 

Staying off the property makes it less likely that the dust will be disturbed, allowing it to settle on the surfaces. Keep in mind that any small disturbances can cause the particles to become airborne again. 

From its settled state, it can be removed with vacuums and specialized equipment to eliminate any danger to your health. While this isn’t the answer that many people would like to hear, it’s safer to steer clear of the area until the demolition company gives you the green light to reenter the building they were working on. 

Test the Air

One of the best things to do following asbestos removal is to conduct an air test. Professionals will come in with specialized technology to take air samples and study them under a microscope for any evidence that asbestos remains in the air at the property. 

Testing can take a few days to yield results, but it’s well worth the wait to avoid the risk to your health that asbestos can cause if inhaled or ingested. 

Because asbestos can become airborne with surprising ease, it’s crucial to ensure that none remains in the air before you move back into the building. After all, the smaller fibers are the ones most likely to become airborne again. 

The fibers can be so tiny that you won’t be able to see, taste, or smell them, which is quite scary. You would never know how much is airborne until you conduct one of these air quality tests.

Hire Professionals

If you have asbestos, it needs to be handled with care, so you’ll require top-notch demolition and asbestos removal in Winnipeg. Winnipeg Demolition can help you get the services you need so that you can be assured that your property is safe and healthy. If you need some assistance with your current project, give us a call today to learn more about how we can help you! 

By Winnipeg Demolition07.28.22 | | No Comments
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